Welcome to Budapest

by Réka Morvay on August 14, 2023

We all know what it is like to be a new arrival on the expat scene. It can be unnerving walking into a room full of strangers for your first expat social. But do make the effort!

You’ll be rewarded by the welcome you receive and you’ll build up a supportive circle of friends with similar interests to your own. Budapest has one of the busiest expat scenes in Europe. There are events and organizations for the sports fan, the mom, the writer, the hobbyist, the musician and simply those who feel like a regular coffee and chat with other expats. So, go on, dial that number, write that email and attend that meeting, you’ll be glad you do. To help you on your way, Expat Echo has put together a social directory to help you choose and we have also compiled a list of churches/temples which provide worship in English.

Article originally posted on MoveOne’s Expat Echo by Matthew Shore on 14/08/2009.

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